Sunday, May 23, 2010

Communication Process Helps in Developing Effective Promotion:

Communication Process Helps in Developing Effective Promotion:

1)    Form of Message can be Physical, Written, Verbal, Audio or/& Visual,
2)    Channels are Unlimited. e.g. Voice, Print, Email, SMS, Visual, etc;
3)    Level of Recipient, his/her interests & Capabilities must be kept in mind,
4)    Objective must be clearly Defined & Well-Explained,
5)    To Measure Feedback Results,
6)    The Promotional Mix should be there, which is:
a)    Personal Selling,
b)   Advertising,
c)    Sales Promotion,
d)   Publicity,  etc;

7)     Factors to be Considered:
a)   Target Market,
b)   Nature of Product,
c)    Stage in PLC,
d)   Advertising is used to Persuade, rather than inform, etc;

8)      Push & Pull Strategy:
a)   The Promotional Program  aimed Primarily at the Middle Man, is called a Push Strategy,
b)   The Promotion Program aimed Mainly for the Customers, the End - User, to Motivate for placing a Demand, is known as a Pull Strategy.

9)    Setting the Promotional Budget:
a)   Percentage of Sales,
b)   All available Funds,
c)    Spend as much as Competition does,
d)   Set Objective & Allocate Funds Accordingly…..The Best Method !